Everything You Need To Know From: The Dudes


The Dudes are not to be messed with. They are a four man band from Calgary that make rock songs that come from the most closely guarded vaults of the emotional banks. Their lyrics and musicality are seamless, allowing their audience to rock out and maybe forget their troubles for just a few minutes out. Dan Vacon from The Dudes took a second to answer some questions that we at Youth Are Awesome were dying to have answered from their latest CD release, Blood Guts Bruises Cuts, to how they operate as a family.

The Dudes

Youth Are Awesome: What inspired the album art for Blood Guts Bruises Cuts? Are you avid wrestlers?

The Dudes: We had an artist friend of ours come up with it. He was all like, “what’s it called?” and he came up with the whole luchador thing. We do wrestle plenty tho. I never had much guidance as a kid, so I learned everything I know about justice and morality watching wrestling on TV. I turned out pretty good, I think.

YAA: How did The Dudes find each other?

The Dudes: Bob and I were tight in high school and we started the band then. It was for the high school talent show! We didn’t make it to the second round even. The girl who won sings the anthems at Calgary flames home games. She’s lame, and we bomb around the world getting high fives so who really won?

YAA: What was the first show the four of you played together as The Dudes?

The Dudes: Besides the talent show, our first real show was at the rock central stampede breakfast. Rock central was the name of our house. We built a stage in our back yard and pretended to be a charity to get free pancakes and sausages. It was the truly the greatest. We ended up doing it every summer for years. So fun!

YAA: What is the strangest thing that has happened to The Dudes at a show?

The Dudes: Strange? Hmmm. Mostly it’s just rad things happening. I’ve been so sick on stage I’ve vomited a few times. Random contests with the audience. Nudity is always strange. And sweet. Once a girl I was dating was making out with some dude at the back of the room while we played. That sucked. And was a little strange I guess.

YAA: Do you have a favourite place that you like to write songs or do a lot of the song ideas come to you at random moments?

The Dudes: I refuse to work a job. I’ve learned how to live super cheap and scheme money from all sorts of sources. I get up and start writing everyday. In the living room mostly or the basement jam space. Sometimes it’s magic and sometimes it’s just like, not now? Ok. We’ll try again later.

YAA: When did you first start playing music?  Were you born with music or was it something that you had to find?

The Dudes: I got my first real 6 string when I was sixteen but I was that kid from the choir ever since I was 10. I wrote a song about my granddads busted driveway car when I was 5. I think I always knew what I should be doing with my life.

YAA: In your songs you mention a lot of different names, in Girl Police you mention an Andy, Stephy, Jimmy, Eric, Jenny, Marvin, Arnold and Jess. Is this song inspired by people who actually have these names or are they aliases?

The Dudes: Those are shout outs to all my favorite people. Andy is tron from FUBAR, stephy is my ex girlfriend and the other dudes are all local Calgary rockers.

YAA: I’ve attended a few shows and felt this sense of community between The Dudes and the audience, how do you create and maintain that bond?

The Dudes: I don’t know. I think that’s just us being real. Having the opportunity to rock out is a serious gift and we know it. Maybe joy is contagious or something.

YAA: The Dudes have a song on the radio, Pretty Lies, what’s the prettiest lie you’ve heard or maybe even told?

The Dudes: I think I’m in love with you. That lie is actually kinda ugly and mean if one of you believes it. But if you’re both fakin’ it can be quite lovely.

YAA: If The Dudes were your typical family who would play what role?

The Dudes: I’m super surprised that I (Danny) seem to have become the band mom. Brady’s my foster child, Scott’s that uncle who gets you to pull his finger, Bob’s that uncle who’s always bringing a different lady to thankgiving and somehow we’re all brothers.

YAA: On a scale of one to unicorn how much more exciting is it to play a hometown show than a show out on the road?

The Dudes: I just like rockin’. It’s better for different reasons on both sides of the coin. So like, a mythical 5 with horns. And a tail that shoots out slurpee.

YAA: And the final question, what is your favourite type of cheese?

The Dudes: Breeeeeeeeeee! And the evaporators.

Check out The Dudes new music video for Girl Police, add them on Myspace and Become a Fan on Facebook!

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