Uncyclopedia – The Encyclopedia that Humors You



Uncyclopedia is an encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies.  You might say it puts the “psych!” in “encyclopedia”.  It’s sort of like Congress or Parliament, but unlike Congress or Parliament, we do have a sense of humor.

I ran into this encyclopedia kinda by mistake.  Fortunately enough, the subject I was reading off from Uncyclopedia is an area of interest for me, so, I knew enough to realize that this site is actually about everything that is the opposite of a good encyclopedia. One thing I have to admit more than anything is that, this encyclopedia is the most funny one I have ever read.

WARNING: Do not visit content of Uncyclopedia unless you have first understood the content Wikipedia provides on the topic, otherwise, you will be utterly confused about everything you read!

Let us take The Five Universal forces as an example, (btw, there’re only four classified forces: gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong – as I have warned, read WIKIPEDIA before Uncyclopedia!):

Gravity exclusively affects apples, particularly when revolutionary scientists rest under apple trees.  In such a case, the apples are accelerated downward at near lethal force towards the head of the scientist.  Upon impact, the apple imparts a brilliant idea into the revolutionarie’s head.

As you may already realize, Uncyclopedia is not completely bogus.  It’s quite original in fact, and the information it contains maybe partly false if you’re a pessimist, or partly true if you’re an optimist.

The bottom line is: Uncyclopedia is a encyclopedia with the purpose of entertainment: do not use it for your assignments nor homework.  However, despite its vastly misinformed content, it would be a humorous read for the weekends and the holidays.

The funniest article I have read so far is Physics, especially the section where they talk about the dangers of physics.  Share with us your pick for funniest article on uncyclopedia, or a similar site that will give people a laugh.