Life: The ultimate mystery


Life is full of unexpected twists and turns as people find their place in the world, grow, and have new experiences. Everything and everyone is there for a moment and then is gone, as though every moment is hanging on a single thread as everything else dwindles away around it.

It’s hard to hear the differences between some worlds and others. There are vast differences between cultures, and differences between the wealthy elite and people living on the streets. Our whole society nowadays is based on wealth. It sways which universities we will go to, and what we will take, but along with that it also motivates people to do better. Though money is great, there are so many people in the world that don’t have that opportunity. They don’t have the chance to go to school, which eliminates their opportunity to change their lives. This is why poverty remains to be in a continuous cycle which people in it can rarely break out of.

UNICEF statistics state that about 22,000 children die each day due to poverty, whether its caused by the deadly cold winters of Canada or a drought in Africa. Everyone deserves to have a chance. The hard part to accept is the idea that there are children and teens, parents, and elderly all around the world that have been brought up in poverty, and have not known anything different other than the tinted windows of the limos that drive down the streets.

The world is full of unexpected events. We think that we have control of our lives, but do we really? There are moments in life that we wish could last a lifetime, and moments that we want to stay in forever, but they are always taken away, although they will be the ones that we cherish the most, even when they are gone. If everyone just gives a little this Christmas to those in need, as we can make a moment in their lives that they may be able to take with them for a lifetime, and may change the course of the rest of their life.

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Hey I'm Sarah. I am 17 years old and have lived in Calgary for about 7 years in total, while living overseas for majority of my life. I moved from Canada when I was really young and traveled to California, Angola, Africa, and Indonesia. I have most recently just moved back to Calgary from living in Malaysia for almost 3 years. I design clothes, play soccer, and have modeled a few times, doing runways and photo shoots with some fashion designers, as well as L'Oreal. I have had lots of interesting experiences due to my traveling and it has always shaped who I am.