Saying “Hello!” in 10 different languages


Are you a multi-linguistic kind of person? Do you like to travel a lot?  Well then I have the perfect guide to learning how to say a few basic greetings in 10 of the worlds most spoken languages. Enjoy!

Many of the words here require the knowledge of accents to properly pronounce them. If you have a friend who speaks one of these languages, ask them to give you a hand!

1. Mandarin (Chinese):

Hello – Ni Hao

How are you? – Ni Hao Ma?

Bye – Zai Jian

# of speakers: >1 billion


2. English:

Hello – What’s up man!

How are you? – How’s it going?!

Bye – See ya later!

# of speakers: 508 million


3. Hindi (Hindustani):

Hello – Namaste

How are you? – Ap kaise hain?

Bye – Pirmelange

# of speakers: 497 million


4. Spanish:

Hello – Hola

How are you? – Como Estas?

Bye – Adios

# of speakers: 392 million


5. Russian:

Hello – Zdravstvuite

How are you? – Kak dyela?

Bye – Do svidanja

# of speakers: 277 million


6. Arabic:

Hello – Al salaam a’alaykum

How are you? – Kif Halaak?

Bye – salam

# of speakers: 246 million


7. Bengali:

Hello – Ei Je

How are you? – Kamon aachen

Bye – Bidaai

# of speakers: 211 million


8. Portuguese:

Hello – Bom dia

How are you? – Como esta?

Bye – Tchau

# of speakers: 191 million


9. Indonesian (Malay):

Hello – Selamat pagi

How are you? – Kenalkan?

Bye – Selamat tinggal

# of speakers: 159 million

10. French:

Hello – Bonjour

How are you? – Comment ça va?

Bye – Au revoir

# of speakers: 129 million