3 Things for Calgary (Victoria Edition)


So, if you’ve been around this blog at all, you may have already heard about Nenshi’s 3 Things for Calgary, an initiative for Calgarians to do three things to make Calgary an even more awesome place than it already is. Personally, I think this idea is great. It’s valuble to understand that a positive action, no matter how small, can still make a change in our community. Keeping this in mind, here are my three things that I plan to do for Calgary.

1. Clean up litter! As someone who in the past has lived in lots of other cities, I can confidently say that Calgary is one of the cleanest cities I’ve ever lived in. However, that’s not to say I haven’t seen the occasional littering around the city. Thus, from now on, I’ve pledged to clean up and dispose of litter and other waste that I might see around the city to the best of my ability.

2. Support Calgary’s culture! I love the arts and would love to experience more of our local culture for myself. This can be as simple as reading more books written by local authors and listening to music by local artists. It can also be as involving as attending more regional theater and film festivals or heading to more performances by local groups like Theatre Calgary or the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra (as long as my wallet permits it!)

3. Volunteering! Personally, I think that volunteering is great. Not only are you helping out the city, you’re also developing lots of skills that will help you later in life. Furthermore, I find that volunteering is both a great way to meet new people and to pad out your resume. I definitely want to volunteer even more around the city this year. For those not in the know, Youth Central and Volunteer Calgary are great places for youth to easily find volunteering oppurtunities around the city.

So yeah, let’s all work together to make Calgary the best city in the world!