Popular famous and shameless rip-offs


So, I’m not a very original person. Neither are famous writers, directors and producers. But I do love searching for amazing, hilarious, and original content! So instead of adding my pizazz and spin to things (which I hope you liked for the Disney Princess’ satires), I will simply share and hope that you enjoy these wonderful articles that may open your eyes to the beauty of original content. Oh, and remember kids: there is a small boundary between a cliché and a blatant rip-off!

Note: I do not own any of these articles, I am just happily sharing them!


A really awesome website that has hilarious and random articles, amongst other content. Go and be addicted to this very-well-named website! Oh, and there is some crude language on the website, so beware!

7 Classic Movies You Didn’t Know Were Rip-Offs

6 Famous Characters You Didn’t Know Were Shameless Rip-Offs

5 Movie Characters You Didn’t Know Were Real People


Remember my wonderful promotion about this website? Well, go read that…and the following articles!

The Top 7…Shameless Rip-Offs

Top 5 biggest rip-offs on the Wii

GamesRadar E3 2011 Special Award: Most Shameless Rip-off

6 shameless iPhone rip-offs of well-known games

Other Websites

I just thought these would be interesting to share…enjoy!

Shameless Rip-Offs (Books)

The Most Shameless Movie Poster Rip-Offs…Ever!

Shameless Hollywood Rip-Offs

I hope you enjoyed these!