A review of Cirque Du Soleil’s Ovo


Last weekend, I attended a performance by the legendary and world renowned Cirque Du Soleil and words cannot even describe how amazing and spectacular the show was. They are visiting locations around Canada presenting the show Ovo. This show has the story about a mysterious egg and the characters that the performers are shown to be like insects. Something that I find very extraordinary about Cirque Du Soleil is that instead of just being a regular circus, they have a genuine storyline that explains, to a small extent, the appearance and the stunts of the performers.

Even though the show was absolutely spectacular and it is difficult to pick the best stunts, I had three specific favourites. The first was the contortionist who had the appearance of a spider. She could actually touch her knees, right onside up, while standing on her head. The stunts performed by her were absolutely astonishing. A second favourite of mine was the trapeze act performed by performers that were dressed as cockroaches. The large leaps that the acrobbats made were breathtaking. The favorite act of the trapeze for me was the very large leap the trapezist made from one side of the stage to the other. My third favorite act was done on a curtain by performers dressed as silk worms. The coordination with the curtain rope and the stunts that they performed in perfect harmony were amazing. One of the best stunts they did was swinging in a perfect circle around the stage. Another thing that I liked was that the storyline behind the stunts actually kept the audience entertained using small jokes here and there. One of my favorite parts of the show was when, between the stunts, they would show short cutscenes of storyline that were played by two performers whose conflict was basically what made the show that much more entertaining.

Finally I would also like to comment that since Cirque Du Soleil is worldwide, they have a huge variety of shows spread out around the globe with a variety of different performers. It’s said that the best shows can be found in places like Las Vegas and Paris. I still found the Canadian show Ovo to be spectacular. I would recommend anyone of any age to go and watch the show. Since the show is held in a small theather, you do not have to worry about seating since all the stunts are clearly visible from all areas of the seating area.