Teen Summer Reading Club- Calgary Public Library


Not many plans for summer? Why not give a shot at novels and litrature through Teen Summer Reading Club by Calgary Public Library? With their online Summer Reading Program, you are expected to read for three hours a week or complete three reading challenges. For every week you successfully complete your challenge or reading, you are entered for weekly draws with prizes, including $300 in books or gift certificates. If you plan to stay committed with the club, completing 11 challenges over the summer, you become eligible for give grand prize draws. Winning a grand prize means earning $250,$150, $150, $75, $75 towards mall gift cards.

Think you will be interested? Be sure to check the programs offered by CPL by clicking here. If you have any questions or comments regarding the club, feel free to contact-

Jilliane Yawney, MLIS

Cybrarian, Teen Services Librarian

Services to Children, Teens and Families

Calgary Public Library

T 403-221-2092
