Countdown to the Federal Election


One of the few debates that I actually watched this election:

[youtube jGYE2d4LJ5M]

The Federal Election is within a week. It is actually on May 2! I am quite excited to vote in my first election. However, I must confess that I have not been following the election as tightly as I usually do. The looming doom of IB exams has filled my time for the last few weeks and as a result, I have only glanced at the perspective platforms.

For people are interested in following some pre-election hype, I would advise visiting a couple of websites. All of the major parties (Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc Quebecois and even the Green Party) have their own websites presenting their lavish platforms. I would recommend a comparative site as well. CBC news is not a bad place. Our own Youth Central has Youth Can Vote, which is written by Calgary’s Mayor’s Youth Council. I would actually recommend this easy-to-understand and simply organized source for most of you.

For those are over 18: please vote!!! It is your responsibility as a citizen. The polls are looking tighter each day as the NDP has somehow emerged ahead of the Liberal party in the past week and now threaten the Conservatives. Your vote may not be the deciding one but your ballot can still count.

For those who are under 18, you can participate through other means. There are usually positions (jobs or volunteering) you can take for the next week helping set up for the election. In fact, some of you can even volunteer for a particular campaign. If you want to become even more involved, I would recommend joining some youth forums and even election simulations!