Scary Movie Review #8: Mirrors


Mirrors Movie PosterWell let me start off by saying this movie is pretty weird. It is about this night watchman at a museum that is being done up. One night, he mysteriously kills himself by slitting his throat with a piece of broken mirror.

The museum then hires another night watchman to fill the shift. He then also figures out that he is not the only one there…there is someone or something in the mirrors. He explores the museum looking for evidence to figure out what is really going on, since he has been having many strange and frightening hallucinations that he could not explain.

One night he saw that the mirrors engraved a name into themselves when the watchman asked what they wanted from him. After doing a lot of research he found out that the museum used to be a mental hospital, and there was a girl that used to go there that was very crazy. And HER spirits haunted the mirrors.

Once the watchman’s family became a part of this haunting, he knew he had to do something about it, so he went and found the girl–who is now a Nun. He knew that only she could stop the spirits.

The whole movie is not super scary, but they do have offensive language. There are really only two scary parts: at the beginning when the first watchman is killed, and when the Nun gets her spirits back. Personally this movie is okay, but it is the type of movie that really depends on the person if you like it or not. Make sure to have a parent with you if you are going to watch this movie. Check it out if you want!