Derek Brown’s Academy of Driving Review


Courtesy of Signal SafeWhen I was looking for a driving school last year, it was hard for me to decide between price versus quality. On one end of the spectrum there was an extremely pricey AMA driving school that had magnificient reviews. On the other end, tiny family-owned driving schools pop up left, right and centre.

I decided to take the middle road. Instead of going with either choice, Derek Brown’s Academy of Driving provided friendly, clear and informative in-class sessions despite the dry and redundant course load. During my in-car lessons I was pleased to have such a caring driving instructor; someone who actually knew my name, tried to have fun with the job and did not dread being in a car with an inexperienced driver.  The whole company expressed great care to the well-being of the students. Every instructor actually wanted each student to take information away from the school.

I would highly recommend Derek Brown’s Academy of Driving to anyone who is looking for a driving school. For the quality of learning they provide at their price points it would be absurd to choose anywhere else in Calgary. Besides, I am sure that everyone has seen a Derek Brown car driving around the city somewhere so it must be a good sign that I am not the only one who has faith in their driving school.


  1. Derek Brown School is awesome all the way. Right from the office staff to the great team of Driving instructors.
    I feel confident and much safer on the road through your training…

    I highly recomend to anyone who wants to get their driving licence to contact them…


    Kisten Pirie.

    Thank you.

    Kirsten Pirie.

  2. I regret I went to derek brown. The instructor who was also an owner, was demeaning to students. It actually made me to stop wanting to get a licence. And I lost a year. Then I paid for 4 hours with AMA instructor and – OMG -what a difference! !! But you pay for what you get. Never ever recommend derek brown.

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