Human are descended from fish?


Since it was the last week of the first semester, I learned about ecology as the last unit of my Bio 20 class. From this last unit, I learned amazing knowledge about our ancestors.

Charles Darwin who was an English naturalist, established the hypothesis that all species of life (four legged creatures) have descended over time from common ancestry (ocean creature) due to the evolution from a process of natural selection. It was shocking to me since I was only aware of the evolution of man from apes.

It is hard for us to think any connection to ocean creatures between us or even between any other four legged creatures on the land. However, the connection actually does exist. Elaborate technologies nowadays are looking for the evidence of Darwin’s theory and due to the video clip that I watched in my class, Darwin’s theory is getting assured by the evidence of similar structures of DNA that we have and that fish have. It explains that human are not superior but we are only the part of nature.

See the videos that provides further explanation about this theory.

[youtube vfmOaAz371M&feature] [youtube gR5UlRTJP24&feature]

[youtube nHth4tg7B2M&feature] [youtube CF-N1xB8WLM&feature] [youtube mU7jU4vRksA&feature] [youtube dTxXU9wgYxQ&feature]

DNA explanation from 4:00 sec


  1. Interesting article! This is the first time I heard of the theory of humans being descended from fish! Actually, there are many theories surrounding the fact that all species were descended from the ocean creatures, but what an excellent title! It definitely forced me to think! Keep writing on interesting topics =)

  2. Thank you Lisa. I know! it was first time for me that heard about the relationship between the ocean creatures and four legs mammals!It astonished me a lot ! We should've able to swim and breath in the ocean spontaneously,,,,,, in my own thinking,,=D Thank you.

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