Top 10 Things to Do During Winter Break


Winter break is almost here and it’s time to shout a big Hallelujah! It’s that time of the year again when you can say goodbye to tests, quizzes, tedious homework assignments, lectures, et cetera for a good two weeks. For a lot of us Grade 12s, it’s also the last winter break we get to spend as high school students. Instead of lazying around at home curled up like a dead worm, why not make some good use of that time and do some fun stuff in all this snow? Go out and hang out with friends, volunteer, toboggan; the list goes on and on. You can do so much in two weeks time. It’s time to get into the good holiday spirit and make yourself feel refreshed for the next six months of school.

Here’s a list of top 10 ideas to get you started:

10. Throw a Christmas Party
Invite all your friends, bake some tasty foods, and have a good old time by the fire place.

9. Christmas Shopping
Christmas is the season for giving…and BUYING. It’s always fun to go around trying to find that special gift for your friends. Besides, it’s so awesome to be in the malls when there are Santa Klauses and carolers brightening up the atmosphere.

8. Outdoor skating
Whatever happened to ice skating outdoors? It seems like everyone’s always going to Olympic Oval. It’s time to embrace the icy outdoors. What’s the fun in ice skating when it’s not even that cold?

7. Sleep
Catch up on sleep. You’ll thank yourself later.

6. Bake a cake
Bake something for your family, be it cookies, cakes, or even just really good bread. Try out that recipe you’ve always wanted to try out but just never found the time.

5. Caroling
As ridiculous as it sounds, caroling is a lot of fun. If you can, join in the caroling. I promise you it will make your day.

4. Donate to a charity
There are families out there in the world with no roof over their heads, children who will not be getting any Christmas presents, and teens who will be spending the holidays on the streets. Reach out a helping hand and donate some money to brighten someone else’s holiday.

3. Volunteer at one of the many Christmas events going on around the city
Be it making crafts with children at Once Upon a Christmas at Heritage Park, prepping canvas bags for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, or helping out at the Calgary Zoolights, there are definitely really cool, once in a year projects out there that you can have fun at while helping out around your community. And because it’s Christmas, I’m sure there’ll also be a lot of yummy food involved.

2. Drink hot chocolate by the fireside
There’s nothing better than to pad yourself with warm blankets, sit by the fire place, and spend a peaceful, eventless afternoon with a good book.

1. Tobogganing
Remember when you were a kid and had so much fun just sitting on a board and sliding down a snowy hill? Well, it’s never too late to bring that feeling back. Drag your friends out and I’m sure you guys will all have a good time.


  1. Great article WeiJia! I really enjoyed reading all the great activities people can do over their Christmas break! Very original and fun! I can't wait until Christmas break so that we can do some of these! =)

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