The Myth of Hades and Persephone Explained


*Keep in Mind! There are multiple variations of this myth. However, the version I will be talking about is the relatively more popular one.

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What is the Myth of Hades and Persephone?

The Myth of Hades and Persephone is a famous Greek story that explains how the cycle of seasons came to be, as well as introducing themes of love and reunion. The myth was dated to around the 7th centure BCE, found in “Homeric Hymm to Demeter.”

The Story Explained

Persephone was the beautiful daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. She lived a solitary and calm life with her mother in the surface world on Mount Olympus. While Persephone lived on the surface however unbeknownst to her, Hades, the God of the Underworld had been secretly stalking her from the Underworld. Hades had been enchanted by Persephone’s beauty and planned on taking her for himself. Consequently, one day while Persephone was out in a meadow picking flowers, Hades abducted Persephone and took her to his dark kingdom.

Free Ai Generated Hades illustration and picture

Demeter who was struck with grief by the dissapearence of her daughter, searched far and wide around the world in hopes of finding Persephone. However, her efforts ultimately remained futile and through this process, she neglected her agricultural duties. The earth withered and crops died, resulting in famine spreading around the world.

Upon seeing the world in such devestation, Zeus, the king of the gods, demanded that Hades return Persephone back to the surface. However, before Persephone left the underworld, Hades made Persephone eat pomegranate seeds, the food of the Underworld.

Due to Persephone eating the food of the Underworld, she was now bound to it. Regardless, Zeus and Demeter struck a deal about this situation.

  1. Persephone would spend a part of the year with Hades as the Queen of the Underworld, representing Winter and Fall as Demeter would grieve for the absence of Persephone and thus, cause the earth to decay.Free Nature Winter photo and picture
  2. For the rest of the year, Persephone would return back to Demeter, bringing Spring, Summer, and vibrance to the surface world.Free Crocus Flowers photo and picture

In simpler terms, when Persephone is with Demeter on the surface, the world propsers (symbolzing Summer and Spring). When Persephone is with Hades in the Underworld, the earth grows cold and decays (symbolizing Fall and Winter).

Why Is the Myth Significant?

The myth is not only significant for the profound impact it had on Greek culture at the time, it is also important for a couple other reasons. The myth gives an interesting reasoning of why the earth gows through cycles of flourishment, and a state of withering. It is also important due to the fact that it’s one of the more older stories that depicts a mothers love and the pain of separation she feels with her daughter making it a great story about maternal love.



The Myth of Hades and Persephone


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