Reconciliation or Resistance: The Urgent Need to Rename John A. MacDonald Junior High


When a country is impacted by colonialism, remnants and reminders of the colonial power will remain until full priority and dedication are given to eradicating them. Each year, the Canadian government claims fault for a past event in history that caused further deterioration to the identity and well-being of the Indigenous community. Locally, our school board is facing the same issue. Late last year, John A. MacDonald Junior High’s school board refused to change the name of their school and allow growth within the school’s identity, which happens to be based on one of Canada’s most infamous prime ministers. In silver letters outside the school reads the name of a man who implemented a system that has disrupted generations of families, causing the death of 5,000+ children, and lasting intergenerational trauma within the Indigenous community. As well as being a contributor to the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, that killed 600-800 Chinese and Japanese workers, and allowed them to work for harsh hours and inhumane conditions. To not address this with a name change, would be absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. If our society and government truly recognizes their mistakes in the past with the Indigenous community, they would have no hesitation in changing the name but the lack of change or even debate, shows our society is truly ignorant to the harm caused. As we learn from our mistakes, action must be taken, if not the thought alone can not institute any change. By renaming school you not only change the identity, but we publicly acknowledge the harm this man has caused in a position of power.

On the flip side, many admire what he did for Canada as a whole, disregarding his interaction and impact on instituting Residential Schools. They recognize his contributions as Canada’s first prime minister, and being the one of chief architects of confederation. As well as being responsible for developing the Canadian Pacific Railroad, to an extent was symbolic of national unity and even encouraged trade. Hugely, the responsibility for Canada’s British North America Act, and later establishment of Canada as a nation in 1867.

While recognizing his strengths and contribution to Canadian culture and government, we must also acknowledge his role in implementing residential schools in the spirit of reconciliation.

Sources: 1,2


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