The Essence of Seasonal Change – A Poem


The bright, piercing snow glares into my eye

I feel the air touch my skin. It’s uninviting, yet an atmosphere of tranquility fills the sky 

The trees lose their precious strength, yet remain resilient in the face of adversity

And once again, it comes to my attention that there is absolutely no plant diversity 


And when that “slush” “slush” sound reappears once again, it symbolizes the end of the freeze 

Not an icy cold or scorching wind flows through my hair, but instead a crisp and beautiful breeze

I see the dandelions peak above the grass with their little yellow heads, like a mini sun you could say

And speaking of the sun, it looks like its generosity seems to have become a dismay. 


It shares more of itself with us, making the earth become one with the warmth

And we start to celebrate with fireworks, either on the first of July or the fourth

The rays glare down onto me, changing my milk chocolate skin to a more radiant dark chocolate 

We then adventure on beach days and picnics, where we feast on treats and cutlet


A breeze takes flight again. Not one that Goldilocks would describe as just right, but one that makes shivers crawl down your spine

Schools are initiated once again, commencing a choir of children’s whines

The leaves turn from green, to orange, and then crash to the ground. 

Making some smile with glee, while others frown 


Days and weeks pass, but once again the snow makes sure to trespass


I stare into the deep abyss, where the sky and ground merge into the same grey-ish white hue. 

It’s hard, but you can still admire the snow and the trees and the somewhat bare view 

You can still see the flurries rush down past your eye

You can still see how hopefully and gracefully they reach their demise, as they hope for something greater than what they found up in the sky


I find it peculiar how seasons change just before my eyes. 

How each and every one creates a new and fresh page of life. Like bringing in new people who we hold dear

The different colour palettes, and feelings, and events that occur in each, make up the course of our year. 

The flurries of winter, the dandelions of spring, the sweat of summer, and the “crunch” of autumn. 

Be thankful for the seasons, and how as they change, we change alongside them. 

A year of change, remembrance, and adventure.