A True Friend


They’re the ones who laugh and giggle with you

They’re the ones who weep and whine with you

They’re the people who you talk for hours and hours to

The ones who are always there for you

Friends make life worth living

For they make any boring time enlightening

A friend is like a treasure, for friendship is a gift

A friend is someone who fills your life with happiness and grace

They’re the ones who make our world a better place

A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows

Or like a serene ocean that gently flows

A friend can even be like a roller coaster of excitement

Because they can make your life so much more magnificent

But it takes much more than “caring” to be a friend

It required a careful blend of love and compassion and trust until the end

A friend is someone you can be your true self around 

You can say stupid things and be dumb and silly instead of acting like you’re profound

They’re the ones who will fight and scream and argue for you

The ones who will be right by your side when you’re feeling blue

A friend is someone who won’t throw me under the bus

A friend is someone who won’t leave me in the dust

A friend is someone who I can truly, truly trust


Let’s appreciate our true friends for they’re the ones who will stay with us until the end.