Our Childhood Together – A Personal Memoir


My older brother is graduating this year. Watching him make important college decisions has got me reminiscing about our past childhood together. Here is a piece of creative writing I wrote in light of my memories.

To Rob:

Remember when we used to ride our bikes in the summer time? Mom and Dad would stroll behind us, listening to our little giggles escape our tiny mouths? We used to pretend we were firefighters, police officers, and top secret spies. It was a world where we could be any character we imagined. Zooming around with our training wheels, elbow pads, and dirt-covered knees, we were inseparable buddies having the best time of our lives. And when the sun would set, it was time to go home. We would hold our little bikes and crawl up the big hill, waiting to get hugged goodnight by mom and dad.

Remember when we built a village of animals in our basement using wooden blocks and stuffed animals? Our creativity and endless play exhausted us at the end of the day. But that meant we got to snuggle in our parents’ arms while a Disney movie played in the background. I miss these days. The days where the only concerns we had were about each other, our family, and our friends. I miss our childish optimism, our contagious giggles, and our innocent confidence.

Remember when we started Junior High school? We hid in our rooms as we finished homework and called friends. I started playing club volleyball around this time, and you were becoming a talented cross country runner and student council leader. We would talk on the way home from school, exchanging jokes, and words of support. I miss running after you in the mornings when we would almost miss the bus. I miss hearing your funny stories and laughing along. I even miss the silly arguments we had. I miss them because it meant that you and I were close.

Now remember this:

When you move away to college, I hope you share your contagious humour with the world. I hope you continue making everyone around you laugh and smile. I know our childhood together has come to an end, but I hope you recall upon it the way I do.

I can’t wait to see where the future takes us.

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