Metamorphasis- a poem


Fluorescent lights, pale and sticky

Illuminate by their ignorant light

A small bare room


In it

A girl of lackluster frame

Sweat on her brow

Sits with her back turned to the door


The smell of tin and stone and paper,

Familiar in her desolate corner,

Invites for the seeking of truth


Her hair flows in a delicate stream 

Rippling down her back 

Her eyes carry a black so deep 

That She Herself has drowned


The skin of Her hands may seem clean and unused

But beneath them the blood of the heart quivers

Working to maintain a warmth that has since birth been lost


Herr doctor,

Does She terrify?


Peel back the skin

To find Her very insides rotting


Desperate She cries for the sin of night to die

Allah above hears

But to Her God is cruel


With Her eyes a fine slit

Her heart frozen in limbo

The singing voice entices

From outside where the sun is lustful


She can almost imagine

That the walls of her room

Were not stone


And then a match


Brilliance blazes 

In the dark of the night

Power reborn

Like a dying star


Coal seethes

Hot and sticky

Dry clay and bitter smoke

Her skin oozing from every orifice

Melting to the ground

The forging of iron


Out of the ash


He emerges


Cat eyed and grinning

His skin bronzed as earth

Indignation deep in his bones


He stretches his hand to the sun, 

And welcomes warmth 


What’s done has been done

Let the young know

A phoenix has come

Featured Image Source(s): 1