Picking the right highschool for you (a teenager’s perspective)


Picking the right high school to go to can be very overwhelming. I’m currently in grade 9. Therefore, this year, I had to decide whether I wanted to go to my designated high school, or apply to a different one. Here are all the reasons why I chose to put in a request to transfer high schools.

My Designated School

My designated high school, isn’t known as one of the best high schools in Calgary. As a matter of fact, I think most people would place it at the bottom. “You don’t want to go to that High school” is what I imagine parents say about the high school. Don’t get me wrong, high schools do not determine the person you become. As a matter of fact, I know many people who succeed in their life regardless of going to that high school. But as a result of this stereotype, my desire to attend this school decreased.

What The School Offers

Choosing a high school that best fits you can be tiring. No high school will ever fit you perfectly, it’s just a matter of finding a high school that fits you best. For instance, my designated high school doesn’t have German as an option, and I really want to take German, (or just any language classes I’m interested in.) My designated high school only offers French, but I don’t feel as motivated to learn French. Hence, I chose to request a transfer since I didn’t want to look back on my high school experience and regret not taking an option I could’ve taken. So, it’s just a matter of do you want to look back and regret something from high school? Or not?

Another reason for wanting to transfer can be for a specific class level, such as A.P. (Advance Placement). My designated high school offers A.P. classes, but no I.B. (International Baccalaureate Programme) classes. It’s just a matter of what you want in your future. Do you want to proceed with post secondary in another country? In another Province? Then maybe transferring to a different high school which offers that class will be best. Again, I’m not fully educated on what high schools have what classes. So be sure to talk to your teacher, or guidance councilor.

The People

Transferring high schools can be a big decision, so make sure you do it for the right reasons. For example, I know classmates who are transferring high schools just to be with their friends. Although they may be your friends, is it necessary to transfer high schools just for them? Will your friendship not last if you’re not in the same school? Or are you just transferring because you don’t like certain people? Will you regret it?

These were some of the few reasons I chose to put in a request to transfer schools. Even though a request isn’t always guaranteed, I’m happy that I tried. Remember, if you want to transfer schools, be sure to submit the form before March 15th, (Calgary Board of Education deadline, may differ per city).

Also remember to talk to your teachers/guidance councilors, for more information.