Recognizing Influential Black Artists


Creative expression has always been an essential part of human nature. As you may have already noticed, a lot of pop culture and mainstream art, in terms of music, writing, and painting, has been heavily influenced by black culture. Therefore, I think Black History Month is a great time to highlight and appreciate these artists that have contributed so much to our society. Today, I will be mentioning black individuals who have made an impact in the world through art, writing , and music. 

Art: Jean-Michel Basquiat

Jean-Michael Basquiat was an American painter who rose to prominence in Brooklyn, New York. Basquiat was a talented painter with a notable style involving bold line work and vibrant colours. As a matter of fact, he is best known for his graffiti art and Neo-Expressionism. At the same time, his “three-pointed crown” is a signature symbol that is now associated with his legacy worldwide. You may have seen this crown included in many graffiti pieces as it distinguishes Basquiat’s work from others. Unfortunately, Basquiat passed away at a young age, but his legacy in the art scene continues to be highly important. In my eyes, Basquiat is an influential black artist as he changed contemporary art forever, and he was one of the first people of colour to gain recognition and earn a large amount of wealth from selling artwork at that time. I also admire how Basquiat challenged societal norms and gravitated towards street art rather than the traditional path of realism. You can often see the raw emotion expressed in Basquiat’s paintings, which makes him stand out as an artist.

Jean-Michel Basquiat breaks US art record with £85m sale | Art and design | The Guardian

Writing: Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was a highly influential black writer and poet whose work is recognized worldwide. At the same time, she was a playwright and advocated for women and civil rights in America. One of Angelou’s most notable works is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which addresses topics related to trauma, racism, and prejudice. Her work often brings many of society’s flaws into light, especially in terms of the existence of racial prejudice in the world. I would encourage you to try reading Maya Angelou’s poetry or novels as her writing explores real hardships felt in daily life and how one must learn to overcome them along the way. Additionally, her work always relates to the primary message about the impact of love in an individual’s life. In the end, Maya Angelou’s work inspires young minds by reminding us about the power love has on the human spirit.


Over 20,000 People Want to Rename the High School Maya Angelou Attended—After Her | Glamour

You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. ~ Maya Angelou 

Music: Billie Holiday

Music has become a vital aspect of almost all of our lives. Today, a lot of people gravitate towards rap, R & B, and hip hop music which originates from black culture. With that idea in mind, Billie Holiday played an influential role in popularizing jazz and blues music and was considered one of the leading jazz singers. She is also widely recognized for her unique singing voice and creative lyrics. Therefore, her songs and performances have set the stage for the music we listen to today. Today, Billie Holiday is recognized for her distinct vocal range and singing style, which also inspires many upcoming artists to believe in their aspirations despite now having the most technical training.


The 10 Best Billie Holiday Songs - Paste


Black culture has always had a monumental impact on society, and it is important to appreciate those individuals who have contributed towards those positive creative movements. In the end, I hope you have gotten to know more about some of the inspirational black people who have created or popularized many artistic forms and trends you see today on social media and in life. 

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