Some Movies That May be Useful When Writing the English 30 Diploma


Hey y’all, even though we’re still in the middle of summer, the good grade 11 student that I am has come to a realization.

We are going to have to write the english diploma.

So since we have some time during the summer, maybe we can watch some of the suggested movies to utilize in Part A of the diploma – the Critical/Analytical Response to Literary Texts Assignment.

My reference is from the 2020-21 Alberta Education Student Guide for ELA 30-1 – but I guarantee you that they have all the classics. I, myself, have not watched many of them, however, I’m planning to take some time to finally watch them.

Without further ado, here is the list:

  1. Apocalypse Now
  2. Atonement
  3. A Beautiful Mind
  4. Big Fish
  5. Blindspotting
  6. Blue Jasmine
  7. Children of Men
  8. Dead Poets Society
  9. The Godfather
  10. The King’s Speech
  11. Lady Bird
  12. Lars and the Real Girl
  13. Moonlight
  14. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  15. Pleasantville
  16. The Shawshank Redemption
  17. Stranger than Fiction
  18. Synecdoche, New York
  19. The Truman Show

That’s all I got for you guys! I might write another post about Short Stories, Novels, Plays etc. to study if y’all are interested. As always, if you have any comments, questions, or just any suggestions, feel free to shoot me an email at

I’m rootin’ for ya!


Sources: [1] [2]