GMOs- The Key to Food Security?


It is obvious that food, fiber, and many other desired products are processed through the cultivation of certain plants and the raising of domesticated animals, globally known as agriculture. It provides a cleaner, better environment for people to lead healthy lives on earth. However, it is essential to acknowledge that this magnificent result of resources endeavored by food production could not possibly be explained by the process of agriculture alone. After years of scientific discoveries and experiments, scientists found the key to what keeps our crops so healthy: genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

We live in a society in which humans have become addicted to creating these new food products. Why? Because genetically modified organisms reduce food insecurity by 15–20% among cotton-producing households. Genetically modified crops are an important component in a broader food security strategy. Food security is and will continue to be, one of our greatest ongoing development challenges. We not only need to provide food and nutrition for a growing global population, but we must do so in the face of mounting environmental challenges.

The global climate is changing, and land suitable for agriculture and food production is changing with it. Salinification and desertification, flooding and drought, and natural disasters threaten agriculture across the globe. With changing temperatures come new risks from pests and diseases that need to be removed by GMOs. Food security exists when all people have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food. Unfortunately, food security is nonexistent for a significant proportion of the world population. Therefore, a dilemma for the entire human race arises: around 900 million people are undernourished, meaning that they are undersupplied with calories.

Food security is impacted by three possible pathways that are as follows:

1.While contributing to global and local food availability, genetically modified organisms by way of altering DNA are the solution to sustainability

The first pathway allows for more robust and effective strategies that scientifically and technologically are ways to strengthen food growth. This is very important because food becomes richer in nutrients and therefore healthier sustenance. This is extremely critical in the dynamics of food sustainability for a growing world.

2.Food availability will ultimately be maximized for sustainability including the value and quality of nutrients in food

Case by case management of food safety is also secured by the second pathway. Positive health benefits are multiplicative when nutritional deficiencies are decreased. This has been proven by optimal Projections of statistics. For example, genetically cloned human beings also serve as a viable and valued way to combat illnesses and provide cures for lethal diseases. 

3. In a larger scope, economic strength becomes a valued asset as a result of genetically modified organisms  

Looking at the third pillar, small farmers in developing countries are productive at a higher quality of food consumption and this allows for a more secure world. Wouldn’t you like to live in that kind of world? 

In summary, this tripartite illustration is more than comprehensive but also the sole way to deal with starvation. 

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