Five New Things to Learn this Spring


With life online becoming more repetitive as the days pass, I feel like we need a fresh change in our lives. Trying out and learning new things is one of the best ways to revitalize our daily life. Here are five new things you can learn this spring:

1. Learning a new instrument

Learning an instrument truly opens doors to a new world. It challenges you as learning a new instrument requires patience. You must practice the same technique or music numerous times in order to understand the piece. For woodwind and brass instruments, it may require you to change the way you breathe, which can be very difficult. However, learning a new instrument can become a very amusing hobby as you can play any song you want!

2. Learning to take photographs

Photographs are a way to capture memorable moments. Through photographs, we can revisit our past and remember the emotions we felt at that moment. There are multiple different types of cameras that are now available depending on what type of photographs you like. Disposable film cameras develop a sense of anticipation and excitement that our phones do not give us. Learning to take photographs with different types of cameras can be a perfect way to capture each moment you want to document.

3.  Learning a new language

Although learning a new language sounds very broad and unapproachable, it definitely does not need to be. It can be as easy as taking a couple of beginner courses on Duolingo, or even going on Netflix and watching a couple of shows in that language. Although the first couple of times you may not be able to catch any words, the repetition of continually being exposed to that language will help you learn a couple of words and phrases.

4. Learning about each other!

With many of the normal social interactions being cut off due to COVID-19, you may feel isolated from others. However, you must remember that a lot of other people are in the same position as you. Reaching out or checking in with a family member or friend could mean so much during these challenging times. I would like to challenge you to talk to at least one person this week and find out something about them that you didn’t know before. This may mean that you drink a couple of coffee with a family member, jump on a facetime with your friend, or even reaching out to a classmate over text!

5. Learning about YOURSELF

The most important step to take before you try to find a new hobby or interest is understanding yourself. It is important to ask yourself: what do I like? What am I happiest doing? or What is a weakness I have that I want to improve? Asking yourself these questions can direct you to new hobbies you want to try out. If you are lost, you can always take a couple of personality tests (I would recommend the MBTI personality test!) or ask the people closest to you about who they think you are.

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