The Ying and Yang of World Hunger


the ying and yang of world hungerThis photo speaks for itself. The world is harsh, the fat man stays fat and the poor stay poor. Living in North America already puts us on the wealthy part of the spectrum, and it is clear that other parts in the world are suffering, without much help. To put this in perspective, imagine a poor homeless man on the street who is ill. He does not get the help he needs because he can’t afford it, he stays poor, he stays hungry. And some may disagree with this analogy because they believe that homeless men do not deserve help, because they are not willing to work as if they brought this misfortune on themselves. This may be true in some cases however, some are not capable to work, and if they do, it usually amounts to nothing in a society that revolves around money. This image may seem harsh but it reflects the truth in the world.