8 Songs That Will Make You Cry


I like to think that I am a generally happy person– if you disregard the moments of school-induced stress and misery– and wish to spread this positivity to others. However, when it comes to music, movies, and literature, the ones that I cherish above all else are the ones that are able to evoke a level of sadness.

Here are my top 8 songs that I guarantee will make you tear up… or at least a little bit emotional.

8. Wasn’t Expecting That- Jamie Lawson

“Wasn’t Expecting That” by Jamie Lawson has been a favourite of mine since I first heard it in 2014. This song illustrates the story of a pure and loving relationship from the moment the couple meets, to the moment the partner passes away. The simple composition of the song, consisting solely of a guitar, piano, and vocals, gives the song a sweet and authentic vibe which is sure to charm the listener.

Then you closed your eyes, you took my heart by surprise…
I wasn’t expecting that.

7. The Fault in Our Stars- Troye Sivan

Before Troye Sivan’s music was being played on radio station’s worldwide, he was composing music on his own in his bedroom in Perth, Australia.  The song, “The Fault in Our Stars,” was written in 2013 after Sivan read John Green’s popular novel about two teenagers who meet at a cancer support group and fall in love.  The ending of the book, “The Fault in Our Stars” (I won’t spoil it), left Sivan heartbroken and he decided to channel this emotion into his songwriting. Sivan produced the song, uploaded it onto Tumblr, and later contacted his local hospital to film a music video that featured strong and brave cancer patients. The lyrics of the song not only helps to give strength to those who are battling cancer, but also to those who are struggling to overcome any obstacle or hardship.

I just want to see the stars with you.

6. Trapdoor- Twenty One Pilots

“Trapdoor” is a song from Twenty One Pilots self- titled album from 2009.  The song tells a story of an individual who, during the day, puts on a facade to fool people that he is okay, but at night, is consumed by darkness and suicidal thoughts. The story of this man is not uncommon. Although not all may be suicidal, many individuals go through their day-to-day lives “[throwing] on a mask” in order to conceal their unhappiness or in attempts to change their identity to try and be more liked by others. This song is a reminder of how important it is to treat everyone with kindness and respect because it is impossible to know what anyone is going through.

Everyone gather around for the show. Watch as this man disappears as we know.

5. This Isn’t the End- Owl City

Owl City’s song, “Fireflies,” has a very special place in my heart as every listen always brings me back to my grade 5 year in Toronto–a city and time that holds some of my fondest memories.  Owl City’s song, “This Isn’t the End,” is just as moving. Although the song has a dark and painful subject matter, the chorus sheds some light on this darkness with a positive and uplifting message.

He told her he loved her and then he was gone.

4. Supermarket Flowers- Ed Sheeran

Earlier this year, Ed Sheeran once again captivated the world with his new album, “Divide.” Although I had the entire album on repeat for months, my personal favorite song was “Supermarket Flowers.” Sheeran wrote this song for his grandmother who passed away, and he shares this loss through his music.

You were an angel in the shape of my mum.

3. When You Love Someone- James TW

“When You Love Someone,” tells the story of a child who is struggling with the consequences of his parent’s divorce. James TW shares that “[his] parents are happily married“, but wrote this song about a student he used to teach drums to who found out his parents were getting a divorce.

You got to believe us, it’s all for the best.

2. I Don’t Like Mondays- The Boomtown Rats

Brenda Spencer leaves court in Santa Ana, California after pleading guilty to two counts of murder.

“I Don’t Like Mondays,” was inspired by a tragic event that took place in San Diego, California in 1979. Sixteen-year-old Brenda Spencer lived in a house directly across the street from Grover Cleaveland Elementary School. On the morning of January 29, 1979, Brenda Spencer pulled out her rifle– a Christmas gift she had received from her dad– and started shooting at the children waiting outside the school. After firing thirty rounds of ammunition, eight children and a police officer were injured, and the principal and custodian were killed. When a journalist asked Spencer  about the reasoning behind this atrocious act, she simply responded with, “I don’t like Mondays.”

You are sure to feel shivers as you listen to this song and imagine the amount of pain and loss that was experienced by countless children and families on that fateful Monday morning.

And the lesson today is how to die.

1.Tea & Toast- Lucy Spraggan

This song speaks for itself. Simply press play and prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotion.

After dawn there will be sunshine, and all the dust will go.

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