7 Wonders Of The World: The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon


First of all, what are the Seven Wonders Of The World?

The original Seven Wonders Of The World were defined to the Greeks as amazing feats of architecture and engineering. These include the Great Pyramid Of Giza, Statue Of Zeus, Temple Of Artemis, the tomb for Mausoleum, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse of Alexandria, and the Hanging Gardens Of Babylon, which I will be exploring in this article. The Seven Wonders Of The World typically introduced new types of artistic concepts and were staggering in their size. For example, The Lighthouse Of Alexandria was one of the tallest buildings during the time of the Greeks. As well as this, it was the first lighthouse to introduce lighthouse technology, which consisted of light reflecting mirrors and a massive fire-based beacon.

What are the Hanging Gardens Of Babylon?

The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon were believed to be built in Babylon, which is now known as Iraq. They were constructed around 6 BCE while their king: “King Nebuchadnezzar II” was in reign. According to ancient sources, King Nebuchadnezzar II built this garden to please his wife, who missed the beautiful landscape of her old hometown, Media, which is now modern day Iran. It was said in old texts that the Gardens Of Babylon was built as a series of terraces along with lots of plants and waterfalls, which provided a gorgeous green landscape. The word “Hanging” derives from the fact that the hanging plants from the elevated terraces gave the illusion of being hung in mid-air.

Did the Hanging Gardens Of Babylon really exist?

Many Greek historians such as Berosus and Strabo mention the Gardens Of Babylon in their works. However, a historian named Herodotus, who is known for writing extensively on Babylon, does not mention the Gardens at all. This raises some suspicion on whether or not the Gardens existed in the first place. Some people even theorize that the Gardens may have been mistaken for the garden in the city of Nineveh.


Although the existence of this garden may continue as one of the world’s biggest mysteries, they are engraved in history and will continue to be known as one of the most beautiful and creative structures to ever exist. It has inspired numerous Roman and Greek artists during the time and has allowed us to paint a picture of what paradise is considered to look like.