6 World Records You Could Break Right Now


I think we have all had the ambition of possessing our own world record. At that point, you are LITERALLY the world’s best at something, no matter how crazy it may be.  Some records seemingly can’t be broken, such as most digits of pi memorized, at approximately 70,000, or being the tallest man in the world, currently Robert Wadlow, at 2.72 metres tall (once again, don’t go attempt to break this record). However, some records seem to be a lot easier to break, and who knows? Maybe you’ll be our next Guinness World Record Holder.

According to the Guinness World Record site, the design of a world record is actually a lot more specific than people may think. All records must be measurable by some form, be in height, weight, length etc. and can only be one of those variables. Beyond that, records HAVE to be able to performed anywhere in the world, meaning that any record seen in the Guinness should theoretically be open to someone like you to break it. Even the craziest records like “Longest Distance Pulled by A Horse while Being Set on Fire” are approved because anyone can perform it, (DISCLAIMER: DON’T DO THAT). With that in mind, perhaps you could have a crack at some of these records with your family and friends at home…

1) Most Spoons Balanced on Face

Open up the pantry and pull out the silverware, because this one’s gonna need some equipment. On September 28th, 2013, Dalibor Jablanovic from Serbia set the record for the most spoons balanced on a person’s face, a whopping 31. If that isn’t enough, an extra side note is that Dalibor also has the record for the most spoons balanced on a person’s body, being 79. He previously was also the master of most post it notes attached to a person’s face, and most clothespins attached to the face at any one time. (Talk about dedication…)

2) Most Smarties / M&M eaten in one minute while blindfolded using chopsticks

Now this one anyone can do with 15 minutes and maybe $5. Pull up to your local gas station and grab yourself a couple bags of smarties and one of the Chinese take-out chopsticks and you’ve got yourself a world-record attempt. Ashrita Furman from the United States of America completed this action 20 times on December 8th, 2011 in New York. Are you up for the challenge? (By the way, if you want to be authentic, use chocolate M&M’s like they did…) In fact, Ashrita Furman has the most Guinness World Records out of anyone within the world, take a look here

3) Fastest time to peel and eat an orange blindfolded (two people)


Come on, this is one that I think everyone has practice within. Ok, maybe not with a blindfold, but at last peeling and eating oranges is something many people are well versed in. Perhaps you are prepared just like Dinesh Upadhyana and Manish Upadhyana from India, who set the world record on March 5th, 2014, at 17.15 seconds.

4) Fastest time to drink one litre of lemon juice through a straw (BEWARE)

Ok, I must put a disclaimer on this one. DON’T TRY THIS ONE AT HOME. But if you do, I wasn’t the one who told you to. At a lighting 22.75 seconds, UFC lightweight fighter Denace Bermudez broke the world record on his second attempt, using a one centimetre straw to suck up one litre of lemon juice from a bowl. I think “sour” is an understatement for that achievement.

5) Most jam donuts eaten in 3 minutes

The most sugared covered jam doughnuts eaten in three minutes, was done by Steve McHugh and Lup Fan Yuu, who both achieved a total of six donuts. Sound easy? Well here’s the catch: YOU MAY NOT DRINK OR LICK YOUR LIPS.  Trust me, I tried, it’s a lot harder than it sounds. Don’t believe me? See for yourself. (P.S.: For Powered doughnuts, the record is also six).

6) Most football touches in one minute (female)

Moving away from the kingdom of food, and perhaps the most difficult one to do without any prior experience, is the most football touches by a female in one minute. Oddly enough, the Guinness World Record website doesn’t have most touches of a football by a male, so the door is still open to anyone who is willing to attempt it. Canadian Chloe Hegalnd tied even with Zheng Da Zong Yi for this record, on November 3rd, 2007, a whopping 339 touches.

Who knows? Maybe you’ve got a football lying around, or 6 jam doughnuts waiting to be devoured. We all want to be best, so why not give it a try, you’ve for nothing to lose. Perhaps even send in your clip of your attempt in breaking one of these six world records, and we’ll post it onto our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Good luck!

Check out the Guinness World Record Site here for more Awesome Records!