50 Things To Do During Spring Break

  1. Travel
  2. Hang out with friends
  3. Go swimming
  4. Go to the movies
  5. Play volleyball
  6. Watch every episode of The Office on Netflix
  7. Reread your favourite series
  8. Go skiing/snowboarding
  9. Visit family
  10. Go to the Telus Spark Science Centre
  11. Eat sushi
  12. Go shopping
  13. Try a new sport
  14. Go to a trampoline park
  15. Visit the Calgary Zoo
  16. Go bowling with friends
  17. Go climbing
  18. Make cookies
  19. Learn how to juggle
  20. Go biking around the Glenmore Reservoir
  21. Bake a cake
  22. Learn how to walk on your hands
  23. Try new food
  24. Learn a new instrument
  25. Look for new songs to listen on repeat
  26. Play a game of intense Monopoly
  27. Go camping
  28. Play video games
  29. Watch your favourite Youtuber
  30. Learn how to use Excel
  31. Sell that fidget spinner that you’re never going to use again
  32. Learn how to solve a Rubik’s Cube
  33. Go to the gym
  34. Do homework (ugh)
  35. Buy new clothes
  36. Apply for a job or internship
  37. Learn how to code
  38. Play basketball
  39. Take a cooking class
  40. Make money by shovelling snow
  41. Learn sign language
  42. Have a snowball fight
  43. Go for a run
  44. Play badminton
  45. Build a snow fort
  46. Try a new workout routine
  47. Read this list
  48. Read it again
  49. Do nothing

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