5 Techniques To Effectively Study STEM Courses

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Throughout the world, there are a huge variety of STEM courses. After all, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (aka STEM) is inevitably applied to the real world. From courses ranging from the sciences to the mathematics to the environment, etc… there are numerous amounts of STEM courses focusing on unique topics. However, despite their differences, all of these courses are interconnected and there are common techniques to study them effectively.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay – Science

1. Have a passion for the course

First and foremost, having a passion for your STEM course drives how you study for it. Without a passion for the course, it is incredibly likely that you’ll procrastinate and/or not take the lessons to heart. If you find the course fun and/or interesting, then, you are more inclined to study as it won’t feel like you’re to study. Prior to even taking a STEM course, consider why you’d like to take it. For every course in general, your success in it depends on how much work and passion you put into it.

Questions to consider to see if you have a passion for the STEM course:

  1. Do I want to discover more from this course?
  2. Are there topics from this course that I’ll find interesting?
  3. Would I like to challenge my skills, especially problem-solving skills, on this topic?
  4. Knowing the course syllabus (course content), am I more excited or stressed?
  5. Do I see a future where I am dedicated to this STEM topic?


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash
– Technology

2. Discover how you learn best

In general, there are many ways to learn. Depending on how you learn, there are methods that make your knowledge retention easier or harder. There are methods of learning that are more passive and methods that are more depending on participation and application. Hopefully, it is clear that the passive methods, like attending lectures, reading, listening, etc…, have a lower chance of allowing you to remember the course concepts and how to apply them. However, the methods that are more dependent on applying your knowledge, like discussions, practices, and teaching, have higher retention rates. While everyone learns differently, it is necessary to discover how you learn and retain best when doing a STEM course. From doing your homework to teaching a study buddy, there are many ways to discover how you learn best.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

3. Find a balance between work and rest

Especially with engineering courses in university, STEM courses can be quite demanding and overwhelming. With many lectures, assignments, and tests, the journey can seem intimidating and stressful. However, by finding a balance between work and rest, the process can become smooth and satisfying, even after any surprises. There are many ways to find this balance, but the following are my suggestions. First, set your priorities and create a schedule of all the things that are coming up. Second, decide what time of the day is best for you to study or rest. Third, try to be flexible so there is time to attend fun events, and create buffer times between life and work. There are many studying schedules to find online, but it is up to you to find your best schedule.

Photo by Riccardo Ginevri on Unsplash

4. Make studying easier and comfortable for you

On average, STEM courses are considered difficult with GPAs being more lowered than non-STEM courses. If the courses are already difficult, then make studying easier and more efficient instead. Especially with the engineering sector, there are a huge amount of topics and concepts to cover. However, when it comes to tests, it all depends on how you apply those topics and concepts (i.e. apply what you learned). Considering that testing method, my advice is to focus more on problem-solving than remembering everything. However, at the same time, if you make yourself comfortable during practice, then your stress during your tests will be alleviated. Being comfortable with the material is just as important as understanding and applying it.

Image by Thor Deichmann from Pixabay
– Engineering

That is why the first three techniques mentioned earlier are necessary to become habits when it comes to studying STEM courses. If you have a passion for the course, know how you learn best, and minimize stress, then studying for the courses becomes easier and more comfortable. These things may seem like background stuff, but they do make a huge difference in a STEM course where applications are imperative. On top of that, try not to be too hard on yourself during these difficult courses, its a common part of the STEM process.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay – Mathematics

5. Work ahead

This last studying technique may seem like a hassle, but there is always a difference between working ahead and not. To start, when things come for the first time, it takes time to grasp, retain, and apply these new things. However, by working ahead, every lecture, assignment, and discussion becomes review instead and retaining becomes much more easier as you would already have an idea of what these lessons are about. Think about it: if you already have an idea of the topic you’re learning, even if you barely understood it at first, won’t you’ll find it easier to understand and learn about it? Imagine working ahead as a way to give yourself a head start in the learning process. By working ahead and studying regularly, you’ll hopefully find that learning is much more easier and the STEM course is much more fun.

Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay
Closing Section

Despite the uniqueness of any STEM course, these five techniques allow studying to become more effective and efficient. While there are certainly more techniques that can be used, these are my advice to all STEM students. The success in every course depends on how hard you work for it and how much passion you have for it. From having a passion, a way to learn best, a balance between work and rest, an easier and comfortable studying method, and lastly, working ahead, your success in your STEM courses are incredibly likely. In the end, it is up to you to discover how you study best. As a fellow STEM student in high school, I wish the best of luck to everyone in their STEM courses and to have fun!

Image by minka2507 from Pixabay
– This is a rose stem

Sources: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

Images: 1 (Featured Image), 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9