There’s cars on the roads today, that when we look at them make us think, why in the world was this ever made? Or why would someone buy something that hideous? Take the Nissan Juke, for example. What was going on at Nissan for this car to even be considered for production? It’s simply hideous! Believe it or not, there’s worse out there. I was reading through HowStuffWorks.com and came across this: The 5 Strangest Vehicles Ever Made. This also doesn’t include the people who modify and do ridiculous things to their cars. Huge spoilers on the back of a front wheel drive Civic, loud exhausts on Integras, and putting on dumb looking LEDs on cars, etc. The list can keep going.
5. Terrafugia Transition
Really? It’s a car that can transform into a plane! But quite honestly, as neat as this might be, now isn’t the time to invent one of these. Think about the amount of bad drivers on Calgary roads today; now imagine them driving in the sky. Cars literally would just be falling out of the sky if these were made into production.
4. The Cupcake Car
I’ll let this one explain itself.
3. Trout Bike
A motorbike dressed like a trout; cool. Or wait, is it a trout? Looks like a …. actually never mind, pretty sure there’s a cat that’s chasing it – it’s just cropped out of the picture. This makes the Cupcake Car look much cooler.
2. Watercar Python
This beauty is powered with a Corvette engine, nice! Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a car and not a boat, even though it works on water or land. I like to think that the guy in the picture might be in a mid-life crisis, or just extremely confused on what he wants.
1. Dodge Tomahawk
This motorcycle paired with a Dodge Viper V10 produces 500 HP, and has a top speed of 400 mph. Now, although this was a concept, imagine if it was made into production and you could deactivate the speed limiter. I wonder what the top speed would be before your bones got crushed with the amount of force exerting against you. Also, is it just me or does this remind you of the motorbike from The Terminator?