5 Reasons Why The Library Is Your BFF


Libraries are magical places, there’s no doubt about it. Although Harry Potter may provide a great example of the wealth of knowledge that libraries can provide you, there are real world reasons why libraries are magical in and of themselves.

1. You can learn more than Wikipedia could even dream of

In the age of the World Wide Web, we often forget about the teeming ocean of information that books and other printed media can provide that are not accessible over the Internet. Perhaps learning the Dewey Decimal system might not be such a bad idea. Maybe research may take a bit more time and effort, but it’s well worth the patience.

hermione quote2. The sweet smell of books (or is that just me?)

Am I the only one who loves the smell of books? It would definitely surprise me if no one else finds that crisp, papery scent intoxicating. I mean really, that’s pretty much the best part of books. In my humble opinion. Just sayin’.

3. Don’t kid yourself; books are only part of the fun

The library has sooooo much more than books! Music and videos are also available to be checked out and can also be great resources for either study or pleasure. If you don’t like to spend a lot of money on music and you don’t like illegally downloading it either, taking CDs out of the library can save you a lot of grief.

4. They make great study spaces

It’s a pretty well-known fact that the libraries offer quiet, peaceful study areas for those who seek them out. If I ever need a good place to study after school, the library doesn’t close until 9:00 most weekdays, so it’s a great place to get some work done free of distraction (well, aside from all of the books…).

5. You can find some pretty sweet volunteer opportunities

Even though I have never personally explored this avenue due to personal time constraints, from what I have heard from my friends and peers is that they have found that the library offers a ton of chances to get involved in the community. For anyone looking to get into volunteering, libraries are a convenient option with many programs available for youth.

May it never be said that books and libraries are archaic and outdated. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can ever replace the beauty and splendour that are these lovely places. hermione library

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