25 Places That Look Not Normal, But Are Actually Real


The world really is a wonderful place, and although we do fall in the nasty habit of tearing it apart, on the whole the beauty of the Earth has been preserved. Although the media and environmental activists do a good job of portraying the opposite (and rightly so, for we do have to become more environmentally friendly in many aspects of society) many people are quick to forget the wonderful aspects of our world. It’s not all smog and pollution out there, and those who actively immerse themselves in nature can attest to this. Often we get to caught up in the city life and develop a very urban-centric outlook on the outdoors. But the fact remains that we inherently actively seek out nature in our daily lives. There’s a reason why many people keep the iconic Windows default background picture as their desktop image.
BlissOr how many office calendars use shots from national geographic to symbolize each month. People value homes with a view of the mountains, and high-rises that look onto the horizons. People like to fit as much nature as possible into their lives through media and other sources of imagery, and are often content with simply staring at pictures and fantasizing about going there one day. We do live very busy lives however if we catch our subconscious unknowingly dreaming about the outdoors, it should signify that a change is in order. Taking a break from the modernity of our daily lives is ideal and every now and then we should make it a point to actually “go out” (especially since we live only a couple hours away from the Rocky Mountains). Maybe if more of us (myself included!) actually started recognizing the ingrained tranquility that comes with nature the need to preserve it would become more apparent.

These are the places that have found their niches as being the typical breathtaking picture one can commonly find on the background of a desktop or to some motivational quote. But one day I hope to see all 25 of these incredible places 🙂