2013 Grads: be safe, have fun. Take lots of photos.

I found the most visually appealing poster to 17/18 year-olds possible. The cheese factor just really makes the message stand out.

After 12 years (make that 13 if you count kindergarten) of waking up early, working late for homework, having terrible partners in group projects, not making effective use of work periods, sleeping in class, and of course, learning, I’ve finally completed a huge chapter in my life. I GRADUATED YESTERDAY.
I know for some people, it’s really not a big deal. But even if it’s not a big thing for you, treat it as an excuse to look as wild and beautiful as possible. Go all out and just have fun. #yogo #yolo. Also, take as many photos as possible. The next day, it’s fun to look over all the awesome outfits and admire the hard work you put into choosing that suit or dress, doing your make up, and just looking snazzy all over.


I was really happy. And now I’m happy for you. This smile is for you.

Seriously, just chill out and have fun. All you have to do is sit through the morning ceremony first. I go to Queen Elizabeth High School and we have a relatively small graduating class of a number just shy of 200 kids and our procession went from 11:00-1:30. So, good luck Western and Churchill on your 700-800 grads.

Okay, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about. Grad gets kinda crazy. What I mean by that is, after your banquet, you’ll go to after-grad and you may or may not party hard and if you go to after-after-grad, you’re probably going to party. When you party, you might drink and get tipsy/drunk/done/hammered. So, if you’re going to drink at all, the night of your grad, ditch your car keys. Grab some bus tickets and some money. You won’t need to steer the wheel, I wouldn’t trust ya and you shouldn’t trust yourself. Split a cab with a couple of friends or take Transit

TL; DR – don’t drink and drive.

I found the most visually appealing poster to 17/18 year-olds possible. The cheese factor just really makes the message stand out.
I found the most visually appealing poster to 17/18 year-olds possible. The cheese factor just really makes the message stand out.

Don’t risk anything. It’s the night you’ve worked your butt off for and you deserve to celebrate and remember it, so don’t do anything dumb. (Not sure if I’m allowed to say this on a youth-friendly blog site) But if you were anything like me on the night of my grad, I’m so glad I had my parents around to drive me. I also ended up splitting a cab that night and walking a whole bunch. Drink lots of water too, it helps you the next day, trust me. Your school should’ve had a SafeGrad presentation, but if not, please go check out the site. It’s statistically proven that a spike in collisions and fatal accidents happen during grad week. During our SafeGrad presentation, they brought in a car accident victim and a father who had lost his son to drunk driving. The victim had apparent brain damage and it showed in his mannerisms, his appearance, and health. The dad without his child told us how the wound never really heals even when they’ve been gone a long time. It’s a huge reality check, so 2013 grads, have a safe grad.

Go out and have fun, but stay alive. <3


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