High school is difficult and a big challenge for some of us, but for 13-year-old Gabriel See, it’s a breeze. He’s a little older than half my age, but he’s more than capable of anything I’m able to do. See is one of those extremely gifted children who make us sometimes pity ourselves and envy his super intelligence. Just at the age of eight, Gabriel was able to score 720 out of 800 on the math portion of the SAT. If you think that was amazing, believe it or not, most of his knowledge he gained was from learning by himself. While his intelligence may be even beyond that of a typical university student, mentally he isn’t ready to tackle the “adult” world. Currently he is attending junior high half the time while also doing research and development at the University of Washington. There’s just too much this child is capable of for me to list and explain, so if you want to find out more about this super child you can read all about it here.