13 Google Easter Eggs!


Today, I’ll be giving you a visual representation of the 13 Easter Eggs. I like the fact that Google decided to add these things, it makes the site a bit unique.

  • Askew

If you don’t know what ‘askew’ means, it just means not straight or not a leveled position. Crooked, if you will. By typing ‘askew’ into the search bar, the page should be slightly tilted to the right.

  • Do a Barrel Roll

This is pretty self-explanatory. When you type ‘do a barrel roll’ into your space bar, your google page should spin.

  • Google Gravity

Google Gravity, this is by FAR my favourite Easter egg. When you type this into the search bar, click the first link. The link should say ‘Mr. Doob’ then click the ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button and the page should collapse.

  • Once In A Blue Moon=

You guys remember the saying, “Once in a Blue Moon?” Meaning hardly ever? There are two definitions for Google…. ‘Very rarely” and (a very odd answer.) The google result is 1.16699016 × 10-8hertz. ;-; Yep.

  • The answer to life the universe and everything

Very deep question. Very quirky response. Type this into google, and now you know the answer to everything! The answer is 42 😀 You guessed it! Great Job.

  • Animal Sounds

It’s not really an Easter Egg, but I thigh it would be interesting to add it to my list. The result of the search, is a visual representation of animated animals, and a peculiar guy mocking their sounds. [Sorry about the audio]

  • Google Moon

Self- Explanatory. Ever wanted to see an astronomical figure, but were to lazy, or financially unstable to go see it in person? Here’s your solution. Type this into your search bar and click the first link, and there should be a map of the moon.

  • Metronome

A metronome is a musical device that marks time at a particular, reoccurring rate. When you type this into your Google search bar, the result should be a metronome on your screen, and you should be able to change the speed of the clicks. [No audio]

  • Flip A Coin

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to flip a coin digitally? Here’s the solution: Type it into google.

  • Roll A Dice

Playing a game that requires a dice, but coincidentally you don’t have one? Just type it into google, it solves all of your life’s problems. Literally.

  • Spinner

Want to do a YT video- or want a spinner to decide your fate? Type “Spinner” into your Google search bar, and find a lovely surprise!

  • Snake

Do you guys remember that game “Snake” that you used to play on a Nokia when you were a child? Well now here’s a no download, high-tech version.

  • PacMan

Pac-man is a VERY VERYYYY iconic game. It’s been around for a whileeee. But if you don’t feel like travelling or downloading a game. Here’s the perfect solution for you.