The 12th annual Music for a Winter Evening benefits concert!

Two glass balls with a Christmas motif, Photo taken by: Kris de Curtis
Two glass balls with a Christmas motif, Photo taken by: Kris de Curtis

Music can uplift downtrodden souls and the 12th Annual “Music for a Winter Evening” benefits concert went to benefit the Calgary Dream Centre, which graduates of this program shared their stories of hardship and overcoming personal obstacles.

I was fortunate to be able to attend this concert two years ago and witness the glorious melodies performed by two times Juno award winner guest star, Steve Bell, the Corpus Christi Male Chorale, the Foothills Brass Quintet and a special treat, the First Baptist Church’s Hand Bell Choir, “Acclamation.”

What are the holidays without the familiar chime of bells, the declarations made on horns, the feelings of goodwill and warmth and an all male choir with deep and rich tonalities in their singing ? This evening was truly special as the audience were treated to a variety of beloved Christmas carols, including “Carol of the Bells”, “Pat-a-Pan,” “Hark the Angels Sing,” “Keep Watch, People of  Zion,” “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” and “Glory Hallelujah to Duh NewBo’n King (with the extremely talent soloist Desiree Arthur).” I must admit, the audience makes up a very good choir during sing-a-longs in “O Come, All Ye Faithful.”

Darrel Janz, a familiar face to many Calgarians, the Co-anchor and Co-producer of CTV Weekend News at 6pm, was the wonderful Master of Ceremonies for this concert, jokingly tried to limit his appearances on stage because of his television role, but was a wonderful entertainer and crowd charmer, with funny moments including a reading of a “politically correct” Twas the Night Before Christmas and introducing “Steve Bell” as “Steve Green.”

Steve Bell, Courtesy of Steve Bell's website
Steve Bell, Courtesy of Steve Bell’s website

Steve Bell, the talent guest artist of the evening, is a wonderful storyteller and musician that shares a special love for the holidays. A son of a pastor that gave his time to jailed prisoners, Bell would always accompany his father to prison, learning from “Canada’s most unwanted men” there his special gift for music and song, thus investing in the lives of those that may be downtrodden in their ways. He was joined by violists from the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra to add magic and joy to his songs. His voice contains a unique and special quality that soothes the ears, finding inspiration for his latest album, “Keening for the Dawn,” with poetry written by British poet Malcolm Guite. I personally loved hearing his song, “Deep Calls of the Deep” and was able to sing along with such a wonderful Canadian icon on one of his songs from his new album.

My favourite performances of the night included melodies sung by the all-male choir, the “Corpus Christi Male Chorale,” when their collective voices filled the Jack Concert Hall and thundered the rafters with their smooth and rich voices, the audible movement of their voices imitated that of ocean waves, such as in “Keep the Watch, People of Zion,” “Ave Maria,” “O Holy Night” and “Mary, Did You Know?” The soloists, Simon Chu, Baritone, Jorge Aviles, Tenor and Jason Erhardt, Bass were simply amazing! The clarity and strength in their individual voices, not to mention the emotions and depth of their voices were astounding, were able to add that extra to create a truly magical  holiday experience.

Horns and bells always confirm and declare the holiday spirit is present, their familiar melodies bring out the holiday spirit in most of use, even the holiday “Grinch.” “Acclamation”, the First Baptist Church’s Hand Bell Choir shone with amazing synchronicity and joy was their rendition of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” and “Carol of the Bells”, their small group displaying a more sombre side of Christmas. It’s just amazing to be able to watch individual hand bells slowly ring one after another to produce a melody of joy.
With a wonderful sense of humor, the Foothills Brass Quintet creative and lively performance of “Sleigh Ride,” with each brass player alternating between instruments to imitate the sounds of clopping hooves and the (humane) crack of the whip ( a clapper), the Quintet brought to the life the great song.

Music is chicken soup for the holiday soul.

I want to thank Tokie Brideaux @CalMusicEvents for providing tickets to such an excellent and heart warming event!