Sunday, Oct. 10 was 10-10-10. This is because the day fell on the 10th day, of the 10th month, and the year 2010. Not only is this date significant because it involves all 10s, but an interesting fact is that there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays of this month! This does not happen often. It is exciting that we are alive to witness it!

10-10-10 is widely known as a global day of doing. This is the day where people all over the world take ionic or small actions in steps to help reduce the amount of carbon emission on Earth! Plan your 10-10-10 event and help make it possible for next year, or follow the steps of others and have your own 10-10-10 carbon-reducing Sundays! You can do something big such as gathering a group to cycle around the city for a day (instead of driving), planting hundreds of trees around the city or something small such as eating low-carbon lunches!

For examples of what people did all over the world watch this video:

10:10:10 A GLOBAL DAY OF DOING from 10:10 on Vimeo.