These statistics may not all be true, but
- It takes only a mere seven pounds of pressure to rip your ears off.
- The average amount of sesame seeds on a McDonald’s Big Mac is around 178.
- The odds of being killed by space debris is one in 5 billion.
- A shark is the single fish capable of blinking with both eyes.
- Almonds, P. amygdalus, are a part of the peach family.
- Approximately 150 people are killed by falling coconuts per year.
- Around 40% of women have thrown their shoes at men at least once.
- We are born with 300 bones in our body. When we reach adulthood, we only have 206.
- A jiffy is a unit of time measuring a hundredth of a second.
- There are 293 different methods to make change for a dollar.
Find more fun facts and statistics (which may or may not be all true) at: