Ways to Get Involved in Science and Tech this School Year


Happy back to school everybody!  You knew it was coming, and now it’s finally here.  Trust me, as a student at Sir Winston Churchill entering Grade 11, I’m completely aware that back-to-school is not always something to anticipate.  Back to school brings homework, studying, and having to wake up early. I had my fair share of that in Grade 10, yet looking back on my Freshman year, I’ve realized that I actually was enjoying myself more than expected despite the drawbacks of school.  Why? Because I joined my school community and youth community!  I’m aware that in every “Back to School Advice” segment, someone always mentions joining clubs and teams and organizations.  But trust me, it’s worth it.  Not only does joining things that you enjoy partaking in give you something to look forward to (instead of just the weekend) in the school year, it also is one of the best ways to meet new people and create strong relationships.  There’s got be something you enjoy doing in your spare time – whether it be found in the form of a club or a team.  Or, you could always start your own club! (Not to mention, universities give extracurricular activities huge consideration, so that isn’t harmful.)

Speaking of universities, Medicine and Engineering programs are two of, if not the most, difficult sciences to get accepted in to.  Not only do you need to have competetive grades, you also need to have demonstrated school and community involvement.  Which brings me to today’s topic:

Ways to Get Involved in Science and Tech this School Year

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1. Shad

I was finishing up a swimming course when I saw  a bunch of bright-looking teenagers entering the pool in navy blue t-shirts that read: “SHAD- uncommon purpose”.  I thought to myself, what is this… and then promptly forgot about that friendly-looking group.  That is, until a few days later I logged on to Facebook and saw my feed blowing up with pictures of my friends in shirts that read “SHAD”.  Of course, after seeing so much about this strange-sounding program, I had to Google it, and what I found out was amazing.  SHAD is an established organization that gives youth with potential a once in a life time chance. Students can apply to any host university (that’s right, you get to visit another university with this program!), where you experience a program based on STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math)  Let’s not forget about the perks of this program – internships, guest speakers, the list goes on.  This program takes place in the summer, so if you want a spot make sure you apply this coming school year!





I am confident that over half of my peers would like to go into the medical field when they are older.  I myself was wondering what would set apart one from the other, since many people I know achieve amazing grades.  Then I found out from a teacher about MED YSP- the perfect program to bump yourself up, while having a good time.  In this program, high school students visit the University of Toronto (which is absolutely stunning by the way), and alongside students from the international community they gain the unique opportunity to experience life as a medical student.  This program also takes place in the summer, however applications are beginning soon, so go check it out!



Ps: There is also a “LAW YSP” for you future lawyers.


3. The Science Fair

If you’ve heard a bit about the previous two, I am confident you’ve heard of The Science Fair.  It’s been around since elementary, but it’s presence is still very prominent in high school life.  The Science Fair is especially great because there are no limits to what your project can be.  Science is a very broad field, and instead of focusing on just one segment the Science Fair combines all.  I was personally involved with this activity previously, and it’s an experience that I won’t forget soon.  Also, the perks of joining this competition are almost too good to be true.  I’m lucky enough to be friends with the two-time winner of the CYSF (City Wide Science Fair), and along with travelling across the country for Nationals he has numerous scholarships as well!  Although only one individual can win The Science Fair each year, there are many different prizes and awards.  However, in the end it’s really not about winning- even participating in the experience was interesting for me.  If you have an idea, a question, or an invention relating to Science or Technology in any way, give it a shot this year at the CYSF.

Here’s the two-time winner!




4. Science Olympics

Now when I first heard about this event, I thought it was the exact same as the Science Fair.  But as things turn out, it’s completely different.  Yes, this is also a scientific competition, but contrary to The Science Fair it makes you utilize your creativity in a different way.  Students are all given the same task, but it’s their job to create the most creative and effective mechanism.  For example, when I participated, we built miniature rollercoasters!  The Science Olympics also has hands-on impromptu activities at the competition that are challenging yet fun. Also, you get to work with 3 friends!  If you and your friends want to conquer something new this year, try the Science Olympics.

Science olympics



5. Join or Start a club

I know I touched briefly on this one already, but I feel the need to emphasize it even more.  I know at my school, we have a Bio club, Chem club, Physics club, Science club, Robotics club, a Climate club, miscellaneous science clubs and competition clubs, and pretty much… everything.  However, somehow every year people find a way to add a new club to the list.  The point here is, there is something for everyone, no matter your interests!  Joining a club is wonderful, and starting one is even better.


That concludes the end of this article, however I didn’t even come close to menitoning the endless opportunities for youth in today’s world.  They’re there, trust me – you just have to search a little!

Good luck in school this year everybody, and do not forget – get involved. 



PS: don’t forget about the Brain bee! It’s also a great way to get involved in science, especially in the neuroscience department.


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