10 study tips for the best semester ever


If you are anything like me, then the beginning of every semester is: “this will be best semester ever, I will work and get good grades,” and within two weeks you are in the old struggle of staying above passing mark. If you don’t struggle, then first off all why are you reading this? LET ME TELL YOU WHY… because these tips can not only make you go from 49 to 60, 80-91, but also 100-102 (sounds pretty!)

And here they are in no specific order:

1. Study place: change where you study frequently- study on you bed, on the desk, in the corner, in the basement, in the kitchen, on the stairs.

2. Be prepared: gather ALL the stuff that you might need (like pencil, eraser, brain, etc.)

3. Read right: be aware of what you read, so you don’t end up reading over and over.

4. Notes: don’t copy the textbook, take notes.

5. Reward system: when i finish writing this blog post, I get to watch five minutes of YouTube!

6. Organize: keep your binders labelled and neat so that you are not repelled by the mess.

7. Videos: videos on the internet explain some things simply too well… with 3D illustrations, effects etc. you can easily visualize stuff.

8. No coffee: alternatives like green tea and Nestea are better.

9. No chatting: no social media, unless its your reward.

10. Distinguish and eliminate distractions: learn to know what distracts you. Reading a YAA article isn’t a distraction, so keep reading 🙂