10 Reasons Why Being Broken Up With Sucks


I mean there’s a lot more but these ten are the most apparent :

  1. Closure : It sucks. A part of you thinks that certain someone will wanna give it another shot. Take it from me, if you build all your courage to ask for closure (ex. knowing if there’s still a chance, if they still have feelings for you, etc.) be ready for it to not go the way you probably wanted it to.
  2.  Mood Swings: Realizing how much you don’t need them one second to sobbing the next. It’s as if you’re never going to find a good medium. Thinking that maybe, just maybe, they’ll change their mind and come back and it’ll be fine. 
  3. Getting back together: Unless it’s genuine and wholesome and it works out for the better! If you’re anything like me though, your luck fell through the roof with this: got back together the next day, just to be dumped the same day the following week.
  4.  The Physical Pain: Not wanting to eat? Not wanting to go out? No sleeping? Constant crying? Headaches? Stomach growling? Having a pit in your stomach while your throats on fire? If this is what you’re looking for, step right up to a break up! 
  5. Having to deal with the stuff they gave you: Their shirt you never wore. The bracelet and necklace they gave to you. The letters they wrote to you. Figure something out because they all need to go.
  6. Being reminded about them: Going grocery shopping or driving somewhere and realizing the last time you did that small little thing was with them. Big Yikes.


7. Fighting the urges to text them and plead with them to take you back: I mean this is pretty self explanatory but it happens… a lot. But know that loving yourself is important. If they broke up with you? Their loss, not yours. 


8. Having to explain to people  you’re not dating anymore and fight back the tears all while pretending it’s all good : Honestly, especially if the relationship was fairly long and everyone knew about it, this happens once a day and it sucks a little less each time. Own it.


9. Watching other couples: Glaring at them as they walk down the hall holding hands, laughing, and thinking to yourself it’s a trap you should probably warn them about it. 


10. The start of moving on: Arguably also the best part. You’re on the road to feeling good but for now it sucks and it’s all apart of the process(or so I’ve heard so many times). In a few months it’s said that you’ll be okay. 


A message for those who are also newly dumped: As a conclusion, learn to love yourself without loving them. Heartbreaks suck but know that you don’t deserve this pain. However that doesn’t make your pain silly or invalid, what you’re feeling is normal and it’ll get better with time. I know that’s not what you want to hear but you’ll see that it’ll be okay.

For those who read this who actually haven’t been dumped: It’s a trap, be careful out there and I hoped you enjoyed the added break up memes for the sake of my humor.

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