10 things everyone should know about life


girl-looking-out-window-1024x665While I was off on a random train of thought, I got myself reminiscing about the past and thinking about all the things I have learned while growing up. Sometimes, it’s difficult to notice the passage of time, because we get caught up with everything that’s happening in the present. The lessons that we learn through trial and error stick with us our entire lives, and make us wise. There is so much that we know, and it’s not just what our grades tell us we know, but of everything that we have experienced. If we think about it, sometimes life lessons are just common sense, and we are all bound to realize them eventually. Here are 10 things that I think everyone should know:


  1. Don’t ever hit the snooze button. Just get up.
  2. Complicating simple things only makes things more complicated than they should be.
  3. Be healthy, it’s your body, and you only get one.
  4. Find the things that you like, and work hard for them.
  5. Never take things to be for granted. Earn your rewards.
  6. Only say the words that you mean. Think about those words carefully, because someone else will also.
  7. You can’t get back the time that has passed. Make time worth, and make memories.
  8. There are lots of people in this world. Be one of the good ones.
  9. In-person interactions are the best, no matter what. Get in touch with the world.
  10. Always strive to be better than who you are today.