Girl Power Inc.


girlPowerLogo_1In my previous blog I had the opportunity to attend the Finding Kind Documentary at the ConcocoPhillips Auditorum. After the documentary there was a wonderful key-note speaker: Dana Kerford the founder of the Girl Power Incorporation and had the opportunity to learn a lot.

What is Girl Power Inc.?

It is a program that empowers tween girls to develop a strong sense of self and love themselves by maintaining and managing their friendships. During these workshops the girls are given tools to put out “friendship fires” (conflict) with utmost respect. We all know the difficulties with dealing with any type of conflict, this program gives the girls practical and step-by-step instructions to be successful.

While Dana was speaking to us she mentioned four important rules of friendship:

1. No friendship/relationship is perfect!
Each individual has their flaws and so does the friendship, there will be conflict- it is expected.

2. Every friendship is different.
Our friendships may not be like on screen friendships in shows like Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, and Gossip Girl but that is okay. Some friends may not be ones to share our deepest darkest secrets with while others may be.

3. Trust and respect are the two main qualities in a friendship.
It is obvious if it isn’t two way, and respect is shown the friendship will not last. If you don’t trust your friend how do you expect your friend to trust you?

4. Friendships change-that is normal.
It is highly unlikely for you to be BBFL (Best Friends For Life) people change and so do friendships, its okay and normal.

Girl Power has something for everyone! Tween Girls and Parents of Tweens- it is extremely important to understand how to handle situations correctly with your children when they are upset by everyday contact with friends. I strongly urge you to register for these workshops, not only is it important to learn how to tackle tough situations but it is extremely important to have confidence. Girl Power provides both!

To register or learn more go onto
